Santa Rita Water & Mining Company Water System Hike            Water Burro

A Google Maps overview of the Santa Rita Water and Mining Company water system has been created!

An small version is available in the frame below. Many of the placemark descriptions contain photos and will move the rest of the map out of the frame to be displayed. To access the full Google Maps website, click the link below the small map to go to the larger map.

If you have Google Earth installed on your system, you can go to the larger map in the Google Maps website, and download the KML file from the share button below the map description. Open the KML file within Earth and see the map in all its 3D glory. Its almost as good as hiking it! Well, not really, because its a really nice hike and mostly flat. The downloaded version does NOT contain any photos, although all the text is there.

View SRWMC Water System in a larger map

If you have a smartphone or tablet with a GPS, you can probably use the GPX or KMZ files offline (there is no cell phone or wi-fi service over much of the hike). Unfortunately, smartphone/tablet functionality for offline use is not "out of the box" at this time. We will provide some guidance here, but functionality is changing rapidly, and you may need to be technically adventurous to get through the process.

GPX file

KMZ file

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Water Burro
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